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Sunday, May 18, 2008

MFs wanna bring the 90s back...

it's okay, that's where they made me at

This had me dying laughing!!!!


Anonymous said...

This *can't* be a real video, can it? I spotted one incongruity and I'm sticking to my fervent hope that it is a spoof of the 90s. Please.

I watched it all the way through TWICE. Hilarity.

Dumi said...

Definitely a spoof, what incongruity did you spot?

Anonymous said...

He said "I'm wife-ing that", which I'm pretty sure wasn't a popular phrase in the early-mid 90s. (Sorry my secret passion for philology and etymology rears its ugly head.) And aren't the gloves the "MILF" was wearing contemporary? Skulls?

Thank god it's a spoof, I almost threw bleach in my eyes for a second. The dancing, oh god, the dancing!

(ori, btw)

Nsanzya said...

The other incongruity, of course, is that MILF wasn't coined until 1999 in American Pie!