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Thursday, March 20, 2008

Welcome to Uptown Notes

So after moving across country, migrating my old blogs around (BlackatMichigan and Dumi Says) I've finally found a home. Thanks for all that have been bearing with my moves and been following my writings, rants, and commentaries. If you're reading this you're part of a special club. Unfortunately I don't have any cool decoder rings to give you, but it's the thought that counts anyway, right? If you're reading this you've been in the know about my intellectual and social development or were recently turned onto my perspective. Uptownnotes is my new web home where I'll vet ideas, request insights, and give you a look from my point of view.

What's in a name?

Basically, I'm in New York City but I spend most of my time uptown. I work, live, and play where the yellow cabs don't usually come. While I like to check out other folks' perspectives on the city, in reality, I tend to see things from a different point of view. So I look forward to bringing you some sketches of my uptown notes.

For more images of upper Manhattan rarely seen check out InwoodPix.

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